The Magnolia Journal

This magazine needs to be published more often than quarterly!

I absolutely adore Chip and Joanna Gains; so I was more than pleasantly surprised to see a magazine, The Magnolia Journal, by them on sale while collecting our family’s bimonthly groceries. (And after an hour of grocery shopping with a 4 & 5 year old, I felt I deserved to splurge on myself and buy the current edition.)


This magazine is published quarterly, every 3 months, with many new Gains’ favorites for the new season. There is an introductory page written by Joanna, whos voice is motherly and christian. Later on in the magazine you will find a personal story by Chip, which are usually light-hearted and very real-life.

In between those narratives are many other interesting aspects. Things like recepies and other insperational short stories. There are a handful of advertisements, but those are all items endorsed by the Gains family; either favorites of Chip and Joanna or of their children.

What I love most is that this magazine is more than just a ‘bathroom browser.’ This magazine is one to sit and get a nice ‘feel-good’ read from for an hour. I find myself wanting to hold on to these editions to reference later, rather than pass them on to a friend or relative who may also enjoy the read (more specifically my mother-in-law whom I know would enjoy them). Eventually I will convince myself to let them go for the enjoyment of others.

#magnoliajournal #magnoliamarket

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